Steve Sargent – Senior Minister Steve was hired by Southwest Central as the Youth & Family Minister in 2007 and served as such for 8 years. In 2015, Steve transitioned to the senior minister role, doing a variety of things, including planning multi-voiced worship services for our Sunday gatherings and pastoral care at large. When covid shut things down in 2020, Steve’s role shifted again. He began preaching every week through his cellphone onto Facebook Live, and when the doors opened back up a year later, he continued to preach on a nearly a weekly basis, as well as pastoral care and short-term and long-term planning, and building relationships in the neighborhood. Steve has been married to Chelsie since 2005. When they are not hanging out in Houston, they can be found traveling, hiking, reading a good book, or hunting down the best vegetarian food they can find. They have one daughter, born into the family in 2011.

King Mbani – Ministry Assistant and Keymaster King started working at SWC in 2016, turning on the AC, unlocking doors, preparing the Lord’s Supper, closing down the building. In 2018 King became the ministry assistant – answering phones, weekly newsletters, put together materials for Sunday mornings. King does a wonderful job taking care of this congregation.

Antonio Zapata – Head of Maintenance Antonio joined the SWC staff in 2006. He tends to the building and grounds, and serves the people of the congregation and neighborhood with his kind heart.